Here I Come JW Plastic Surgery Center!!!


This is Soo
Yes I'm Korean. you can tell by my name right?
I always had some complexes with my face
You know girls always wanted to be pretty and prettier
So, I decided to have some changes on my face:)
Should I begin my story?? You guys rdy to hear it right?

This was I how used to look like
many ppl were asking me why I need a surgery but It is my own decision so...
I have searched online and read many forums about the clinics
because doctors there prefer NATURAL looks and that is what I wanted
I do not want to look FAKE like some of ppl out there
maybe it is just different point of view for each person

I got my eye done by Dr. Choi
Ptosis Double Eyelid Correction+EPI

Somehow I didn't get that much of swollowness
Compare to other people who had their eye done by other doctors
That I seen from internet
So I was pretty happy for myself
(O yea don't forget to sip on those Pumpkin soup who are thinking about having their surgery
Those drinks will help you a lot)

I usually do not post my pics W/O a make-ups
but I can't put it on so.....
Please understand that~

It seems like settling down little bit
maybe look litttle bit fake right now b/c of scars T.T
Hopefully it gets away soon!!!

I like my double eyelid :):):)

Look WEIRD!!!
I got done my Zygoma and Fat Injection to my FACE
I look like a BEAR T.T because of SWOLLOWNESS!!!
I decided to just stay home watching TV and drink Pumpkin Juice ALL DAY LONG

My 3rd DAY
Still Swollen T.T

Don't I look like a CHIPMUNK??lol
Don't make fun of me!! cuz I know it will get better in a little bit.

My Swollowness started go AWAY~
I think it started get in a SHAPE that i wanted to be
even though it is still swollowen but I can wait
since it shows IMPROVEMENT

Now I can Put on MAKE-UPS!!!
but I usually don't put it on that much but still you know??
I know You guys Understands me~

How Do I Look??
3rd week of Zygoma Reduction & Fat Injection
and Month and a half for the Double Eyelid Surgery
I'm Loving it what you guys think??
Dr.Choi and JW Plastic Surgery Center
Since they add a lot beauty to myself 


Hey My name is Sung

 I decided have Rhinoplasty at JW since I always had a complex
with my nose T.T
Now You can see why.....

I was really nervous of getting a surgery since it was my first time of surgery in my LIFE
But all the co-workers and Doctor was nice
during the consultation and after

These bandages are botherting me little...
but I can let it go just for my future nose:)

finally Took out bothereeeeed bandages
it seems still swollen LiL..
LoL but i guess i gotta take it like a man.
I give mad props all the girls and guys out there who done
their surgeries already. It wasn't that easy as i saw from the movie

It is getting betta and betta~

"Holy Cow" I'll say compare to previous photos
I have taken before the surgery
I look like some kind of IDOL
Yes????hopefully ya'll feel da same way as I am right now

You see me??
forget about the past
and live with the future


I'm Jin~This is my first time posting myself on a wall or blog
I'll start my REAL STORY~

I finally decided to do EPI+Ptosis Correction, since I never had double eyelids and always had complex with my eyes w/o double eyelids.
These pictures are before the surgery. I will have my surgery at JW Plastic Surgery Clinic because I heard that their result of surgeries are really good compare to other clinics
Day 1: All these stiches are bothering me lil bit, but I can Wait!!
Just for My NEW future LOOK!!
Day 5: Finally took STICHES OUT
I can see my double eyelids, just gotta wait to chill it down!
2nd Week: these pics are on my 2nd week. I though all of my swollenness are gone, but after 1st week it reduces really slowly. hope it gets even more better and better!

1st Month: It's been a month already!!
I think it got pretty well settled. Many ppl giving me a good
comments of my eyes lately~
saying that "It is pretty", "You look totally different(in a good way)", "how impression could be changed this much by single surgery?"(I was sooo excited since never heard it be4)

6th month: What do you think??



If you are interested please read carefully!
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[Real Story] Revision for Ptosis correction double eyelid incision


I decided to have revision for Ptosis correction double eyelid incision.
I was very worried and paranoid since it is revision, but the entire doctor was sooo nice
Also it didn’t hurt that much as I expected. I was so touched and secure by doctor who gave me a surgery because he called my name and said “well-done, you have had a tough job getting a surgery”

Look at my swelling and bruised eyes T.T
It didn’t hurt that much because nurses took stich out on my upper eyelid very softlyJJ
Now I got to take medicines very well to recover ASAP~

I was so HAAPPPYY after taking all of stiches. Doesn’t it look more natural~? :-)

It seems like my swollenness got gone away…but there is little bit red-ish on EPI part.
Besides that I’m LOVING IT!!!

WOW It has been a month ALREADY>,<
Now I can put lil bit of make-ups, put my contact lens on~
I also can go out to meet up with my friends w/o make-ups with a confidence.
JW Plastic Surgery Korea

598-6 Shinsa, Gangnam, Seoul, South Korea

English Hotline : +82-10 5768 5114/ 10 7195 5114
Kakao Talk ID : jwps / jwbeautykr
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[Real Story] Double eyelid Surgery + Rhinoplasty + Fat Injection + Chin Surgery

Hello!!My name is Min.
I finally post the after my make over story of
Double eyelid Surgery + Rhinoplasty + Fat Injection + Chin Surgery.
It has been a month already. Time flies.
I used to read other make over stories before but now.
First of all, look at my picture before.

First day,I got very swollen.I opened my eyes hardly.
And I couldn't eat so well.I only took some liquid food.

After the most swelling days,
3rd day, I can open my eyes better.

Now I can open my eyes and the eyelids look nice I think.
The new shape of my eyes do not look heavy anymore.My nose also looks good! ^^

A week after the surgery!
There are still bruise and swelling but most of them are gone already.
The features are getting more define since the swelling is subsiding.

I felt something uncomfortable at first after the surgery but it's disappeared after a week.

My friends are asking if it really has been a month only.
That means my face is not swollen a lot.
And they say my face looks more define now.
They envy me. I'm also very satisfied.

I’m confident now.
I tried to put make up to cover the round face but now, I don’t need make up.

I’m happy everyday seeing the changes.

JW Plastic Surgery Korea

598-6 Shinsa, Gangnam, Seoul, South Korea

English Hotline : +82-10 5768 5114/ 10 7195 5114
Kakao Talk ID : jwps / jwbeautykr
E-mail :

Homepage :